Connected Construction

Construction is one of the most important industry of the modern world which nearly impacts every industry. Due to their large size, big impact and complex nature, construction projects involve huge risks and need to be carefully planned, designed and...

Cloud ERP: Facilitating Bulk Business Operations under one roof

Today, digitization has rapidly taken over the world. It has completely altered the way businesses operate. From eliminating manpower to reducing cost and making business acumen secure, everything is digitized and so normalized. As businesses are paving their way towards...

Designing Your Dream with BricsCAD: The Future of Architectural Innovation

Inside the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) field, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has completely changed how projects are conceived, planned, and carried out. Using many dimensions, numbers, geometry, and geographic data, BIM software offers a comprehensive platform for digitally representing...

BIM With ArchiCAD: How Do Architects Design Your Dream Home?

An own home is a dream for many, and when it is laid brick by brick to take shape, architects and engineers are the master craftsmen.   As an architect, engineer, interior designer, urban planner, or construction professional, Graphisoft's ArchiCAD with...

BIM in Virtual Reality: Revolutionizing Construction & Design

Architects and engineers are not less than artists when it comes to designing a building with full accuracy. The secret weapon of architects and engineers in the construction industry is VR (Virtual Reality) technology, which revolutionizes building design. The list...

How Does FusionHub Cloud ERP Revolutionise AEC Sector?

Have you ever wished for the software that acts as a virtual office to manage business operations from project management to human resources? FusionHub Cloud ERP is here to make your dream a reality. Wondering how?  Well, to comprehend the...

ArchiCAD Signature Building: Bamble Junior High School

ArchiCAD is a software tool used by architects in the AEC industry to design buildings from the conceptual to the construction phases. Ghraphisoft created BIM software that allows architects to work in a BIM environment. It is compatible with both...

Essential Components for Optimal Simulation Software

You're looking for new plastic injection molding simulation software but aren't sure where or how to begin your search, or what exactly to look for in such software. Then consider the following suggestions to assist you in selecting the best...

The Significant Advantages of Using BIM in your Construction

Time and money are the two most important aspects of any construction project. BIM technology enables all stakeholders in construction projects, such as architects, engineers, consultants, and contractors, to collaborate and derive accurate estimates for both project time and cost....

BricsCAD and its AI Tools

BricsCAD is the cutting edge software, well-known and reasonably priced CAD (computer Aided Design) platform for everyone who create, constructs or manufacturer things. It is a design and technical documentation software solution. It is designed to be cost effective and...

Sink Mark: A defect in Injection Molding

In the process of injection molding, a thermoplastic polymer is heated beyond its melting point, turning it from a solid to a fluid that has a relatively low in viscosity. This melt is mechanically injected or pressed into mold that...

The Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS): Why it’s so Important?

The internet has completely revolutionized the way we do business. It has made communication and collaboration easier than ever before. One of the most important applications of the internet is the online building plan approval system. In order to make...

BIM Software: Archicad

BIM software which is widely used by the architect is Archicad as it was the first one to reach the market in 1987. Here are some of the aspects which make you think to choose Archicad. Ease of use and...

ERP Solutions for Construction Industry

Every company is always looking for ways to streamline their processes, reduce costs and increase profits to stay competitive. This is especially true in the construction industry where customers' demands are constantly changing and businesses are facing many challenges. The...

How BIM can help you with your project?

What is BIM? Building Information Modeling, or BIM, is a process that allows for the creation of a digital model of a building. This model can be used to track and manage every aspect of the building's construction. BIM has...

Software & AEC Sector

Construction Industry has gone massively digital today, and procedures streamlined, from planning to execution of final delivery. The emphasis is not on isolated approaches but on an interconnected framework and application of holistic network that interacts and communicates with each...

GIS and BIM Integration

GIS (Geographical Information System) and BIM (Building Information Modelling) are two disruptive technologies that have massively impacted way traditional work was done. Both opened new avenues to store and analyze massive volume of data, made visualizing information possible like never...

BIM in Smart City Development

It is estimated that by the year 2030, approximately 600 million Indians will be living in urban areas. The agencies are extensively making the use of ICT along with geospatial data to make cities cleaner, safer, energy efficient, low carbon...